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Fancy Food Show 2018
"It's Coffee that doesn't need sugar or cream"

The Fancy Food Show 2018 was Kumanday’s first experience as an exhibitor in an international event. The energy of the event and the people were amazing, our Kumanday K-cups were a complete success! Our overall conclusion was that great quality Colombian coffee is in high demand in the USA.

Fancy Food Show 2019
"This is real coffee"

Considering the great results obtained in the Fancy Food Show 2018, we decided to continue our quest to promote and position Colombia’s most Authentic Coffee in the USA. The show was amazing! Thanks to WMF we were able to serve freshly roasted and ground Kumanday Coffee to more than 800 people in 3 days. The overall opinion was that Kumanday is a rich yet smooth coffee.

Crea, Conecta y Café

Kumanday Coffee, not only as an ambassador of Colombia but as a representative of culture, a generator of relationships, connector of people and ideas, created an event in which people were invited to connect with representatives of the Colombian Creative Industry. A lot of sensations and emotions were felt during the day in which attendees had the chance to experience, interact, and learn about our Orange Economy.


Kumanday, as a supporter of innovation and creativity, was present at Conamerc Eafit during the last week of September. Students from all careers gathered up and successfully ran this marketing congress that counted with the presence of more than 8 internationally recognized speakers which discussed matters related to marketing transcendence.


Our coffee is 100% Colombian Arabica Supremo Coffee, cultivated in volcanic soils.

Free Delivery

We offer free USA ground shipping in all the orders over $30.

High Quality Product

Our coffee is free of defect beans and acrylamides. Carefully selected by the biggest size bean